In March, spring unfolds in rapid fashion. With warming temperatures and southerly winds, waves of birds make their trek north for nesting season. Robins, red-winged blackbirds, and sandhill cranes are among the earliest arrivals. Killdeer, waterfowl, and bluebirds follow soon thereafter and add to the growing chorus of bird songs each morning.
In the days and weeks ahead, dozens of bird species will complete their migration journey and take up residence in our forests, fields, and marshes. As they settle in, they will begin the first of what may be three of four nesting cycles this summer. If all goes well, a single pair of songbirds like cardinals, ovenbirds, or grosbeaks may produce a dozen or more young in a season! Now that is high yield!
Like our feathered friends, Horicon Bankers are all about high yields. Whether your needs are a simple savings account, money market, or high yield certificates of deposit (CDs), Horicon Bank has some of the best yields available. Likewise, if your goal is to invest in a new home, auto, or business, Horicon Bankers can help you find the right loans to help you reach your goals.
With over twenty locations in communities from the Fox Valley to Metro Milwaukee, our growing network of virtual teller machines, and an industry-leading digital branch make Horicon Bank a Natural Choice for customers everywhere.
Customers have been flocking to Horicon Bank for over 127 years for saving, checking, and lending needs. With twenty locations in communities from the Fox Valley to Metro Milwaukee, our growing network of virtual teller machines, and an industry-leading digital branch make Horicon Bank a Natural Choice for customers everywhere. Migrate to Horicon Bank by stopping at a branch location, using our Virtual Teller machines, or tapping our Ascend app to learn more about our Bankers, services, and the many ways we can conveniently serve you!