
protect against cyber crime

Protecting your data, networks and computer systems against the threat of cyber attacks has become more important than ever before. The Federal Trade Commission reports that digital theft of information has surpassed physical theft as the most commonly reported form of fraud. And the cost to you or your business is substantial. More than 800,000 cyber crimes were reported to the FBI in 2022 at an estimated total lost of more than $10 billion.

Cybersecurity Starts With You

The best defense against cyber attacks is staying informed. Horicon Bank is here to help. We want to help raise awareness with our customers and communities around cyber issues and ways to protect yourself. 

Strong Passwords

  • The National Cyber Security Alliance calls passwords the "keys to your digital castle." Check out these tips on how to protect your castle by creating strong passwords.

Stay #CyberAware While On The Go

Elder Fraud

  • The FBI reports that millions of elderly Americans fall victim to financial fraud each year. Scammers use common tactics like the romance scam, Grandparent scam or government impersonation scam. Learn more about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from these common schemes.

Recent Scams To Watch Out For

Cybersecurity for your business

Ten Cybersecurity Tips For Your Business

  • The Federal Communications Commission provides ten simple tips about educating employees, securing your Wi-Fi and best practices on payment cards to help your business.

Business Email Compromise

  • The FBI explains Business Email Compromise (one of the most financially damaging online scams) and how to protect your business from falling victim.


The Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency explains how malicious software can be used to encrypt your files while cyber criminals demand ransom in exchanges for decryption. CISA also provides resources for preventing ransomware attacks and how to respond if an attack happens to your business.

More Cybersecurity Resources from Horicon Bank

Be sure to follow our Facebook page and blog for the latest cybersecurity news and updates from Horicon Bank. Check out these recent articles: 


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