When is the last time you had a check-up…on your finances? It’s far more common to schedule routine maintenance for your vehicle or a personal doctor appointment, however having your financial wellness checked regularly can be just as important.
We recommend sitting down with your personal banker every year for a Financial Wellness Check-Up. Try making it a habit by using it as your New Year’s resolution or schedule a meeting every year around tax time. And don’t forget to reassess your finances with major life events; changing jobs, getting married, having a child, death in the family etc.
Bank’s often come out with new products and services that can help make your life easier, protect you, or even earn you more money- taking the time to understand what your current accounts are doing for you can help ensure you’re not missing out on other great opportunities.
Recommended Check Up Topics:
- Verify your contact information such as Address, Phone Number, Email, and Current ID.
- Establish beneficiaries or update current beneficiaries’ information.
- Review what more your bank can offer to fit your needs. Your bank may have a higher-interest bearing account than previously offered, rewards Credit Cards, Relationship CD Specials, or some cool new technology to make banking easier.
- Discuss if you are in the right products to meet your financial goals.
- Ask about how to obtain a free copy of your credit report.
- Inquire about meeting with an investment advisor to plan for your financial future.
- Discuss ways to improve your financial security.
So if you’re interested in getting a clean bill of health on your financial wellness check-up make time to evaluate your budget and spending habits, identify your financial goals and adjust periodically, monitor investment and retirement accounts, and take steps to protect your assets.
Check out the following websites for more helpful information regarding financial wellness: