Nature is a hard place to make a living. Floods, fires, freezing temperatures, drought, and endless competition make for a very tough circle of life. In order to survive, and thrive, each plant and critter needs to make its own way and deal with whatever adversity may arise.
For example, when we see a deer, it is important to recognize all of the adversity and risk they have faced. Dodging starvation, car collisions, disease, and predators, deer find a way to thrive through 120-degree annual temperature swings and all kinds of severe weather. Overcoming these challenges makes the next generation even stronger. Deer prove independent life can be hard, but the rewards of freedom are great.
In 1776, our Founders saw the rewards of freedom as much greater than the huge risks required to escape English rule and gambled with their lives for the chance at freedom. Like a deer in the wild, Americans have to work every day to preserve our freedom. But the rewards are great.
Through 245 years of challenges, our republic still stands and offers its citizens with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That what makes Independence Day worth celebrating on July 4, and every day!
Horicon Bank celebrates Independence Day every day by providing services which help customers achieve and maintain personal independence. Whether helping finance farm operations, build a new home, purchase a car, or save for education needs, our Bankers provide the financial services you need to achieve your American dream. That’s one more reason Horicon Bank is the Natural Choice to help meet all of your banking needs.
Horicon bank services include commercial and agricultural lending, home equity lines of credit, auto loans, savings accounts, CD’s, home loans and many other services available to help you achieve your personal, business, and financial goals. Horicon Bank is available to serve you anywhere on the map and online. We’re here to help anytime you need us. Please contact Horicon Bank today for more information about financing, loans, and other resources. Happy Independence Day!
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